Why did those few words assure the pilot that it was safe to trust his heavy and expensive military airplane, and the lives of his crew, into the hands of a rookie controller? Because like anyone else in the 1980's he understood what my mentor was suggesting when he spoke those words. We knew back then that the safest place one could be was in the mother's womb. The world was a dangerous place to live, but for a child in its mother womb there was safety. The child could grow and develop until it was safe for it to come out into the world.
But today, the womb is one of the most dangerous places for children in the world. In the U.S. alone it is estimated that 35% of all women of reproductive age will have an abortion by the time they reach 45.1 The abortion rate in 2013 was 19.4 per 1000 births.2 In 1907 the death rate among children was roughly 14 per 1000.3 Today, more children die by abortion than died by all causes in 1907. World wide there are nearly 42 million abortions per year. That is well over 1 billion individuals world wide since Roe V Wade.
God chose to procreate life in this world through the union of one man and one woman by a reproductive process that includes the woman's womb. He could have chosen instead to just add people to the world as he did Adam in the first place. Can you imagine walking down the street one day and suddenly, poof! A new human being just pops up out of the ground in an instant. It would probably knock you back on your heals. And as you looked at the new human - embarrassingly I might add because they will be in their birthday suit - you might even see their chest raise as an invisible presence breaths life into their nostrils. But of course this does not happen. God has chosen the wonders of the womb in order to bring glory to himself.
But we have robbed God of his glory and his method of procreation of its majesty because we want to do things our way. We want to have our choice. And by that we have robbed this nation and this world of a whole generation of individuals that would have given the world so many things. There will be some who will cry that all these extra people would have strained the world too much. But such pessimism is destructive and self defeating. It is exactly what has lead to all of the abortions we now witness.
We really should end this genocide before it completely destroys our country and our world. The world needed everyone of the children who have been lost to abortion, and we are foolish to think otherwise.
So those words of my mentor will never be spoken again. We have made the womb a place of danger. For the glory of God and the blessing to our world lets reverse this condition.
1. abortion facts, National Abortion Federation, https://www.prochoice.org/about_abortion/facts/women_who.html. resource:
- Guttmacher Institute. State Facts About Abortion. 2003. www.agi-usa.org/pubs/sfaa.html
2. Abortions in America, Operation Rescue, http://www.operationrescue.org/about-abortion/abortions-in-america/
3. Gopal K. Singh, PhD, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, http://www.hrsa.gov/healthit/images/mchb_child_mortality_pub.pdf
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